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Without A Net
(Michelle Kennedy)

Winner of the Elle Readers Prize, Michelle Kennedy proves that life as a single parent is harder than we originally thought. She struggles to support her kids by waitressing nights, while her children sleep in the car. She sneaks out the back of the restaurant to check on them now and then and so does the other members of the staff. She desperately tries to save her tips in hope that she can find a place where they can all have a comfortable nights sleep and a good meal. She gives up everything to move with her husband away from her family and when things don't work out, she takes the kids and is determined to do it on her own and be proud of it too. Without a Net, is another inspiring story of a single mom who does everything she can for the sake of her kids. This novel is about sacrifice and determination and will have you second guessing your own motives for your behavior. The main character proves that being a single parent and homeless isn't easy, but it can be done. She struggles with her kids, her husband and her family but in the end she falls in love with an extraoridinary man in whom she works with. He falls in love with her the minute he meets her but she is so preoccupied with taking care of her children that she does not see what is right in front of her; a better life with a better man. It teaches us that the little things in life, the things we take for granted, are the ones that mean the most. A good meal, clean clothes, and a shower are things that we have come to expect but after reading this novel you will be able to appreciate the little things in life, just a litttle more.

Resumos Relacionados

- Parenting And Children

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- Psychology

Passei.com.br | Biografias


