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What Is Islam
(Charles Henderson)


I was off at a meeting the other evening about Christians and Muslims, getting together
to get on rather than fight with each other, and in the course of the discussion these
leaflets were thrown across the table. I was impressed by the Emerald Green on
and read on ...

Islam is a world religion: and it is a religion for everyone:

Islam is an Arabic word and it means "peace" and "submission to God"

very thought provoking ...

I swallowed all of this ... and tucked away underneath the bright green leaflet
were several other leaflets ... I tread carefully on this religious issues as I
deal exclusively with LITERATURE and stay well clear of Religious Controversy.

Catholics and Other Faiths is a light green colour ... and they discuss with great
facility something referred to as VATICAN II ... I often get bogged down in
religious rhetoric and so I thought I would deep in and pick up a few sounds
sentences and phrases thus ..

Religious Freedom:
Salvation Outside the Church:

Dialogue and Proclamation

Are you with me still! I hope so ... well my patience was rewarded ... another leaflet

Title: The Southampton Council of Faiths ... its a myriad of colour and density and ...
focuses on "Our Vision" "Faith In Your City"

Hindism: Sikhism: Baha'i
Judaism: Islam:
Christianity: and Buddhism.

How about a leaftlet a day for breakfast ... please serve with a Muffin and coffee ....

Happy reading in these leaflets ... well, certainly "interesting stuff" ... keep on reading ...

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