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Incredible You
(Dr. Wayne Dyer)

Based on Dr. Wayne Dyer's inspirtational book for adults, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, this incredible book for children showcases 10 positive lessons in creating a great you. It teaches us the benefits of sharing love with others, exploring the things we are passionate about, and visualizing what we want in life. It also sheds light on the importance of taking care of ourselves, staying positive and remembering how unique we all are.  Accompanying these 10 simple teachings are some fun and colorful illustrations to show children (& adults) how to implement these ways into their lives. A question and answer portion at the end of this book will no doubt promote communication in the parent/child relationship, as well as assist them in realizing their full potential. This book sends a wonderful message for all ages...a must read for everyone in my book. A beautiful introduction to the children's books yet to be written by this insightful man, teaching us what it means to live free, live happily, live incredibly.

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