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Writers Write
(Brannon, Lil)

Writers Writing teaches Writers to recognize their composing processes, to respond to their own writings and the Writing of others, and to discover how and why their make the choices and decisions that they do in their own writing. From the beginning of the book, Brannon stresses that the contents of Writers Writing is offering suggestions and feedback to other writers and not the traditional instruction of rhetorical modes and grammar drills. The book emphasizes the needs and benefits for teaching writers by implementing a workshop method in the classroom. For Brannon, traditional pedagogies of writing instruction often ascribed a methodical linear progression through a predetermined procedure. Brannon calls upon Macrorie?s ?context book? where writers are the real focus in their writing and their writing serves as the primary teaching tool. The process of achieving purposeful and competent communication becomes the goal of both Writer and instructor not just producing a replicated product. Brannon argues that the composing is not just a series of processes ranging from prewriting to proofreading but rather a fluid and spontaneous activity that shapes thoughts into language. The book illustrates and discusses the interplay between revision and drafting during the composing process. Brannon offers an approach that changes writer?s attitudes. Brannon discusses the selection of choices, ordering and questioning that happens, and how writer should realize that changing is necessary to discovering ideas. Brannon pushes novice writers to understand what writing is but more importantly to realize the metacognition that is needed for them to understand what thought processes they actually go through when they write.

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