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Screw It, Let's Do It : Lessons In Life
(Richard Branson)

If you have enjoyed reading Richard's autobiography Losing My Virginity, you will enjoy reading this one too, albeit without the details of his adventures, fight with British Airways, growing up etc.The difference in this book is the focus on lessons he wishes to share with readers; the detailed explanations have been replaced with much shorter and straight to points pointing to the lessons - lessons from his life. You may feel you are missing the details at times.

The book is pretty well organised into sections.They subtitles pretty much clearly spell out what Richard is trying to tell you - all in all a book that has Richard in it trying to tell you how to become great. Richard spend substantial part of of the book urging one to have fun, loads of it in everything you do or quit even if its profitable. Its very convincing in that he has been really having fun to the extent some people would call it madness, like his attempts to circumnavigate all oceans and countries on the world map. Apart from the fun part, he also urges people to belief in themselves, one of the key ingredients in achieving almost anything. Looking at what he has done so far and from the knowledge he shared through his books, definitely it is the one on top of the requirements to become a self made billionaire.

Its a great book if you are looking for a company during your short a flight or train journey. The book will definitely leave you longing to read his more detailed biography.

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