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(Christopher Paolini)

Young Master Paolini started creating his fantasy world of dragon riders, elves, dwarfs and magic when he was a mere 15 years old. Over 5 years later his epic tale of bloodshed, war and destiny is still a best-selling paperback and now a massive hollywood creation. Being a JK Rowling fan i must admit to being wary of reading this title, but i have no regrets for finally letting my defenses down and picking up a copy!The protagonist and nameske of the novel, young Eragon, soon discovers that his destiny is beyond his control when he unwittingly discovers a dragon egg and becomes the first new Dragon Rider for a century. The only remaining rider is king Galbatorix of the Empire, a traitor and murderer whose evil cannot be described, and it is this figure who Eragon must pledge himself against. When the King discovers that there is a new rider, he sends servants of a grotesque kind to find Eragon, which results in his uncle being bloodily murdered and him being forced to flee the confines of his home. Eragon undertakes a perilous journey with the elderly warrior and powerful magician Brom, who teaches Eragon how to defend himself. This journey causes Eragon to mature and grow in ways he did not realise were possible.His fate finds him at war for his cause, and Eragon experiences grief beyond measure and a deep bond with Saphira, his dragon and loyal companion. The reader follows Eragon as he grows and becomes one of the greatest warriors of his age.This is the first part of Master Paolini's trilogy, the 3rd awaiting release sometime in 2007. Once you start reading this series i promise you that you'll be hooked into following the entire thing through! Paolini has created a world for adults as well as children, and has succeeded where Rowling did first! My wariness has been put aside while 'Eldest', the second part has been picked up!!

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- Eldest

- Eragon

- Eldest

- Eragon

- Eragon

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