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The Great Gatsby
(F Scott Fitzgerald)


F. Scott Fitzgerald?s ?The Great Gatsby?, published in 1925 at the height of the so-called Jazz Age encapsulated the writer?s delicate genius. The structure is perfect, flawless, the prose, exquisite, and in the shape of central figure Jay Gatsby, it contains one of the most immaculate tragic high romantic (anti) heroes in all literature, co-equal as such perhaps with Chateaubriand?s Rene and von Goethe?s woebegotten Werther,
"This Side of Paradise" (1920) was an idiosyncratic homage to Scott?s own effervescent generation at Princeton University and beyond, and it turned Fitzgerald into a celebrity, while second novel ?The Beautiful and the Damned? was less successfully experimental in my view. With the more mature and stylistically conventional ?Gatsby?, however, everything coalesced for the wunderkind of the Jazz Age novel.
Despite its concentration on the hedonistic decadency of New York high society in the wake of the Great War, a strong case could be made for ?Gatsby? as an impassioned exposure of the hollowness at the heart of the so-called ?greatest, gaudiest spree in history?.In the end, who can fail to be touched by the tale of a Midwestern boy named Gatz who transforms himself into the ultimate WASP prince before recklessly gambling his wealth, his property, his life itself, in an attempt to win back his anti-bellum beloved Daisy Buchanan; the latter akin to some degree to Scott?s own life?s love Zelda Sayre of Montgomery, Alabama, named after a gypsy queen, while a distant descendant of the English-born Thomas Sayre of Lynn, Massachusetts, by such an exaltation of an idealised past, especially when all along unbeknownst to him it had long been lost forever?

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- The Great Gatsby

- Biography Of Francis Scott Fitzgerald

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

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