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Last Lovers
(whilliam wharton)

This book tells people about great love opposite two .It quits life businessman Jack-ameryka?ski dotychcasowe, world Interests , money, sometime there was which in continuous run artist discovery alby .He works in firm developing MBI, which enforces him and ?one Lorrie and children for continuous relocation 3 .It is absorbed work so Jack, that not as family disintegrates .It finds lover in Lorie Paryzu and it alleviates all requirements it, but it departs Jack and it decides live as kloszard, whole property leaving wife .It meets on streets of paris painting Mirabelle - blind old woman (71 years old) . This woman is stopped decide along with day of death of mother not world such that see but on always "Close eyes on always" .Meeting this two modifies them life entirely, portrait paints Jack Mirabelle, meals eat and it approximate for very .Both act on it very good, everything man helps to see world describe eyes Mirabelle and woman can "see" due to it . Positive influence has on man very Mirabelle also ,Through its warm manner perceives world to that, its (his) capability of in spite of see ,and it helps to become genuine artist person it , images have him soul and it feels granted Jack . However, it finishes sad end of fate not be book death sie Mirabelle, both lovers have come for this that in most important life, they have survived great love, they have been granted and they were happy .It wonderful " Last Lovers" story about love warm , which overcomes any barriers, even death .She remember all of be in that most valuable live, it that not other my?la but we think it that and we feel .About love tooking, deaths, dark and bright part of lives and about value of work .If it it from bear moral sound "nobody is blind on so many in order to review on eyes of love of certain days ".

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