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The Double Life Of Anna Day

Anna Day is in love with Charlie,an architect, but Charlie is scared to introduce Anna to his mother Meredith , because she lost her husband in a car accident a year ago and is now selfcentred. She also wrecked the relationship of Charlie's brother Leo.Meredith is rich and snobbish and used to get things her way. When Charlie went away for 2 months on business Anna decided to pay his mother a visit not mentioning her friendship with Charlie. She always visits Meredith with someone who knows her well and is never alone with her. Anna was previously married to Paul but she discovered it was a mistake and divorced him.After a few visits to Meredith Anna felt at ease talking to her and they talked mainly about art . Anna does art workon a part time basis and Meredith ensures her that her work is good and that she must continue doing it on a broader scale. Meredit invited Anna to her 60th birthday by way of a classy invitation saying also that she wants to introduce Charlie to her. Charlie in the meantime let his mother know that he wants her to meet someone special. At his mother's party he introduced the girl Ashley to her whom he met on his travel while Anna is watching unnoticed. He is shocked to see Anna. After they talked in private Charlie is furious .because he is found out. The next day when visiting he tried to manoeuvre his way out of the situation and tried to put the blame on Anna, but she saw him for what he is ;a coward and a cheat., and sent him on his way. It dawned on Anna that it was never Meredith who was the one who put Charlie off from taking her to his home to meet his mother but it was Charlie who did not want to take her home.

A very interesting novel well written and a surprising end.

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