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First Nations, Inuit, And Métis Peoples: Exploring Their Past, Present, And Future
(John Roberts)

First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples: Exploring Their Past, Present, and Future. John Roberts. Emond Montgomery Publ. 2006. ISBN: 1-55239-167-1

This information packed study by John Roberts offers the serious enquirer the opportunity to explore many of the issues relating to First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Issues relating to the land, spirituality and socio-political issues are juxtaposed with the arrival of explorers, missionaries and subsequent settlers. Topics covered in this volume include justice, economics, health, treaties, spirituality, trading and sovereignty, and the many examples are taken from history as well as the present. The systematic displacement and attempts at assimilation are described from the perspective of the First Nations and compared with attempts by settlers to forge an existence in what they perceived to be an unexplored and uncultivated terrain.The activities included in each chapter encourage the reader to explore his or her own participation in events which perpetuate misunderstanding.

Whilst this text is aimed primarily at secondary level students I would advocate its use both cross-culturally as well as inter-generationally. People of all ages will find this resource most appealing and challengingas they are invited to participate in dialogue. I suggest that such an important resource might be considered outside the classroom by faith communities, local continuing education, recreation and health centres. With some careful planning there are components of this text which might well be ideal for small discussion groups. The sections focusing on spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health are especially relevant as the diverse people of Canada attempt to come to terms with their heritage. Biographical sketches along with reflections made by both men and women add a personal touch and offset the detailed studies of treaty, dispute resolution and socio-economic issues. Many of the discussions are of topical import and the information gathered and presented in this text will help to inform people as they attempt to understand the issues.

Certainly, the value of this resource is in a two way dialogue between aboriginal and non-aboriginal people. In a time when efforts are being made towards healing and reconciliation this text is to be commended for offering so much data. Only in the conversation may healing and reconciliation be achieved. Only in acknowledging the injustice of the Past may the present become the pathway to understanding, and in understanding, health.
Order this book from http://www.emp.ca

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