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The Catcher In The Rye
(J.D. Salinger)

If you're taking an English literature class, and seeking a classic novel that won't be a bore, The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is likely a very good choice.   Some classics are difficult to pay attention to due to their outdated expressions and their lack of humor, but The Catcher in the Rye is a rare exception.   It is written in the stream-of-consciousness style.  This style makes it seem almost as if you are listening to someone telling the story aloud, instead of just reading it.

In the 1990's this book faced censorship due to it's abundant use of profanity and it's references to sexual topics.  This opposition, however, only served to increase the novel's popularity.

This brief novel contains some very merit-worthy themes that are worth consideration:

1. The basic phoniness that is common within the adult world
2. The sometimes disappointing quest for companionship
3. Withdrawal from people as a way of protecting oneself
4. The questionable merit of casual sex vs. love-based sex. 
5. The value vs. lack of value of public education
6. Honesty/dishonesty

The main character, Holden Caulfield, constantly pokes at the world around him with dry humor. The boy's social immaturity is amusing as well as refreshing.  At times, though, he can be rather intuitive about the world around him.  The dry wit, cynnisim, childishness  and Holden's manner of expressing himself are what make this novel a page-turner.

This novel is told within the first person. That makes it seem more vivid and basically 'real' to the reader.  For that reason, I believe it is an excellent choice for anyone who dislikes works that are more challenging to read because of out-dated terms of expression or because of excessive length and narrative description. 

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