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The Clonagem And The Church
(Tony Pent)

The clonagem and the church The clonagem nothing more is of what duplication of one to be alive, without passing for the sexual way. Clone the same keeps genetic patrimony of the clonado being. The clonagem has two purposes: reproductive and therapeutical. In the therapeutical clonagem one searchs to generate, with indiferenciadas cells - cells trunks -, fabrics, agencies or other components of the body. A cell trunk when she is induced in laboratory, its main utility is to produce parts of the body, for a future transplant, safe from rejection. The embryo is generated, specifically for this purpose. Using cell trunk with the therapeutical purposes, without causing the death of embryos, this more difficult and less efficient process becomes, but many laboratories and centers of research would like to have a freedom unrestricted to work with cells trunk over all, from cells of the embryos, accessible and adjusted for the research, justifying themselves that: it would have with this the possibility to cure serious illnesses, to save lives etc. The reproductive clonagem is in the United States, but in many paises it already is authorized. The problem of the clonagem is not in generating an identical person to the other? the question is other, more religious than ethical.

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