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From One Guru To Another

From one Guru to AnotherGraham Jones interviews Chris Knight. 

Chris Knight heads ?Ezine Articles.com.?

 Ezine Articles is mainly geared to business associations, but includes writing, etc. as well.
Knight was quick off the mark, in saying the Ezine Articles were helpful to small business in
 getting it off the ground, as a means of getting known. The more information you spread about your business, the better.Naturally, the information would lead readers to the business?URL, hence helping it become known.
Knight also said, visitors can read reports or the business? newsletter. If readers don?t know
the who and what with such info at hand, they never will. As space is limited, Knight suggested
  that giving strategies and techniques are the only way to go.

 Mentioning the business? other sites is strictly a no no. How will visitors find this Ezine
information? Keep them short and easy, without taking much time to read. This smacks of
advertising. Short, sweet tips are the order of today, besides the language used ? kewords are the cutting edge.

 Aticles should be varied, Knight said, according to what people are seeking. Indeed, the
current use of kewords leads to the best aspects of the business. Knight was on the ball
regarding copying. If there is quality in the Ezines then copying by other businesses is not
really so prevalent. Rather than copy, a business will fold, he claimed.

Frequent publishing will make the business ezine noticeable. Keep on adding and changing
information, keep the ads and ezines up front non-stop. What is the business entrepreneur is 
busy? Knight suggested giving ezine writing to someone else to do. The businessman doesn?t
have to work non-stop. There is more to running the store than standing behind the counter.

hat about interviews? Any publicity stunt that will increase the number of customers.
Knight?s tip for speed-up is the continual writing of ezines ? not just one, but have several
going  simultaneously. Speed, quantity of information, variability are the keys to Knight?s
ezine articles for attracting and maintaining customer interest and customer clientele.

Good on you, Chris. You know you game and how to play it well.


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