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His Image My Image
(Josh McDowell)

Some fundamentalists Christians are not very comfortable with the concept of ?self Image?. Theology for such people usually starts with the Fall of Man, the notion that men fell from Grace and erased God?s affirmation that ?It is good?. They fail to see humans, the crown of God?s creation beyond what is described in the Bible as ?desperately evil?. But I for one is grateful that the Bible does not start with the Fall of Man, but it starts by affirming that we are created in His image and so we are worth much more than we think.Many psychologists considered the discovery of the ?self-image? in our personalities as one of the greatest discoveries of the last century. But Josh McDowell points out that the Bible writers knew about it two thousand years back. A healthy self-image is thoroughly Biblical and is the starting point of effectiveness in our relationship with others and in our ministry as Christian disciples. How do you know that you are having a self-image problem? If you can think of anyone you?d rather be than yourself, you probably have it. self image effects how you live your life, the joy you experience, the way you treat others and how you respond to God. This book will help you understand God?s perspective of you and also give you principles you can apply in order to start acting out a godly image of yourself in every area of your life. The most encouraging part of the book is the part where the author openly writes about his struggles with a shattered self-image of his childhood and how he found confidence and meaning as he began to realize who he is in Christ and what he can do through Christ. A proper Biblical perspective of God, others and ourselves is a liberating force and you will find many real life stories in the book confirming this fact. Well illustrated with interesting stories to keep the reader engrossed, it?s a must-read for all young people. If you are one planning to read this book, here?s a word of friendly caution too. We also have to be careful that we do not give undue importance to this concept of self image. Paul says, ?Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think?? It doesn?t mean, ?put down yourself?. It simply means that a healthy self-image is seeing yourself as God sees you?no more no less.

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