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Exercises For The Hamstrings

Hamstrings are the group of three muscles on the backsides of the leg, running from the joing to the knee joint. their main function is to facilitate flexion of the leg, which is very important for activities like jumping, pedaling, walking and running. It is very important to stretch these muscles because, when tight, they make it possible to sit up straight. Tight hamstring muscles are also associated with low back pain.

Here is a good workout for your hamstrings. Place one leg over a chair or table whose level is lower than your waist. Clasp the leg, firmly and slowly bend forward over the extended leg as if to touch it with your face, straightening the knee gently, you will feel your hamstring muscles stretching. Later, try with the other leg.

One way to gently stretch harmstring muscle is to lie on the back and grasp the leg behind the knee with the hip flexed to 90 degrees and the knee bent. Attempt to straighten the knee with teh toes pointed back toward you. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat. DO this exercise about 1-2 times per day.

Stand with your feet about a foot apart or a little wider for balance and bend forward slowly as if to touch your toes. As you bend forward keeping your legs locked straight and hinging at the hips, put your hands on your knees for support and slowly let your torso bend further toward the floor. As you feel the stretche in you lower back, let yourself go lower. Then let your arms hang, totally relaxing your back for 15-20 seconds. You will notice that as the stretch becomes complete, your hand get closer and closer to your toes. This is a good hamstring and lower back stretching exercise.

Another good exercise involving the harmstrings is presented here. Stand facing a table or staircase and place your right foot on the table or on the 3rd or 4th step with your leg straight out. With your back held straight, not hunching, slowly bend forward bringing your head toward your knee (hunching may stretch your lower back but reduces the effectiveness of the harmstring stretch). You will feel the resistance in the back of your leg - don't push till it hurts, just until you know you are stretching a little beyond the norm. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and straighten up. Repeat with the left leg.

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