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Season Of Love. "valentine's Day Special"
(Aneek Ahmad)

Are you hitting RED ? Red for Love, Red for Passion, Red for Valentine... Hey I sure am ! I'm already sporting a red tee. Just look around you folks it's the Season of Love ! And I certainly don't wanna be left out of it. You know what I'm gonna do ? I'm gonna hold my sweetheart close to me and whisper into her ears how much she means to me. I know you folks are bursting to know who my special one is. Sigh ! She's the most delightful person I've met... beautiful, efficient, supportive.. . I'd be lost without her. Okay okay ! I'll cut my galloping tongue now and tell you...it's MOM ! Gotcha on that one I know ! But its 100 per cent true ! My sis and me'd have gone nuts without her and on Valentine's Day (14th February) we are bonding at my place and throwing a little party for Mom ! The Gang will be there too, though we'll miss Donna and Kate. Donna's re-dating her husband and Kate's planning to get cozy with some hunk ! But the rest of us will make merry with groovy music and loads of chewilicious grub ! I've gotta draw up a list of supplies to load my freezer but before that you folks crack up with the fun events I've got for you !

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