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Only Love
(erich segal)

Only love is another love saga from erich segal.and to tell the truth,he sort of disappoints big time.while 'A LOVE STORY' brought back beautiful emotions like love and happiness (rarely found in hot shot action novels),this is almost like an antithema.this STORY revolves around the life and love of matthew, a surgeon cum music afficando who is deserted at the altar after promise of togetherness forever by silvia dessandaro,the surgeon daughter of one of the world s richest men and heiress to an italianautomobile legacy.heartbroken and unable to find a reason for the sudden abandonment,he puts his life and soul into his work and becomes a frontrunner in developing cutting edge genetic technology to counter cancer.after 20 years he chances upon his soulmate at college evie and realises his previous hidden thoughts for her.they cement their relationship by tying the knot as matthew tries to banish the demons of silvia.matthew s almost perfect life is threatened when silvia re enters his life,now as the glamorous but terminally ill wife of a rich buisnessman who wants to try out his new effective gene therapy as the last resort to save her life .as a responsible doctor,he must save his patient.as a spurned lover ,he yearns to find out her unexplicable behaviour towards him in the past.as the story travails through africa,paris and the u.s.,he realises that the reason would better be not known.somewhere along the line.erich segal loses the thread of the plot though he makes up with beautiful phrases.read it if you absolutely have no other book in the vicinity....!!!!!!

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