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La Decadencia Del Imperio Estadounidense
(Immanuel Wallerstein)

The collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union had left us with a sensation that overcame by far the "lack of charm or lackluster" that many intellectuals claimed to have for The Left. All this order of conclusions is thrown overboard by the American Sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein. He postulates that it is, indeed, the capitalist "economy world" or "the world that has become the economy" which is truly apt to be defined as decadent. Its main superpower is the United States, of course. Now, how does he reach this conclusion?Well, to begin with, Wallerstein concocts a diagnosis in which he himself baptizes (one one hand) "a long standing or permanence", a long instance of space and time which is the one statement not to be attributed to "something given" or "something merely assigned in nature", but the condition of the author generates this statement, space and time.

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