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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

I, Robot!!! Imagination to its optimum level.Who wouldthink man could be landing on the moon in 1949, history would differ 20 years later is one of the analogy is think does somewhat justice to the storyline.Science has no bounds is what I was told when I was young. The book get the imaginary child inside you to start wondering again at the possibilities Science could turn into reality.

How much of the technology we make we truly understand, how much of it is truly under our control. Are there possibilities of the unknown ? If yes Why? However many could say Why Not?

I. Robot is one of the books which make you think of all these questions and then leaves you to answer them yourself. however does not give more information then you probably already know. Though the book is able to engage you, it does not have much of the aftereffects.

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