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The Happiest Man In The World?
(Anthony Barnes)

Anthony Barnes considers that to a scientisthe is the world's happiest man. His level of mind control is astonishing and the upbeat impulses in his brain are off the scale.Barnes says that the studies have shown that the mind can rise above it all to increase almost everyone's happiness. Mr Ricard, who is the French interpreter for Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, took part in trials to show that brain training in the form of meditation can cause an overwhelming change in levels of happiness.MRI scans showed that he and other long-term meditators - who had completed more than 10,000 hours each - experienced a huge level of positive emotions in the left pre-frontal cortex of the brain, which is associated with happiness. The right-hand side, which handles negative thoughts, is suppressed.Further studies have shown that even novices who have done only a little meditation have increased levels of happiness. Barne writes that the mind is malleable,The human life can be greatly transformed by even a minimal change in how we manage our thoughts and perceive and interpret the world. happiness is a skill. It requires effort and time.

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