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The Most Difficult Language To Learn
(Hibernian Scribe)

The most difficult language to learn depends on the experience of the learner. Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), and Asian languages in general are based on sounds for intonation, inflexion and emphasis whilst using similar sounding words, and, if used incorrectly, may change the meaning entirely. Native English speakers find Asian languages difficult. The English language, with true and through, (same pronounciation with different meanings) causes great difficulty for non-native speakers. There are two classes of European languages, Indo-European and Slavic, so English, German, French and Spanish share a similar grammar structure. Czech, Polish, Russian and Serbo-Croat share common words. Learning one European language leads to learning another. In Africa Swahili, Swana, Shona and Zulu describe diverse language groups, however, there are some 1,600 language groups in Africa, so, if an African travels some 500km he will know at least 4 languages well. The Shona describe the red earth of southern Africa as due to the amount of blood shed over it. Monolingual people are forewarned that by 2050, Chinese and Hindi (India) will be leading two language groups in the world according to linguists. At least 140 languages are spoken daily in New York.

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