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Pustynna Epopeja Strzelców Karpackich,

With (from) Wawer. DESERT ARCHER CARPATHIAN EPOPEJA, centuries (ages)say 01 / 9 september 1939 year 2007Ju? or ambassador beforecapitulation during german invasion in paris else polish < poland> juliusz Rzeczpospolitej ?ukasiewicz and they have signed agreement(convention) about creation in polish france of division of infantrypremieres of (prime ministers of) france edward Daladier. Initial lackof warfare caused perplexing inactivity on western front, therefore,general in ranges of polish troops about bandying from evacuated with(from) polish troops escape upset take a stand 19 december 1939 yearpart < frequent > ( mainly W?adys?aw Sikorski Rumuni and onmiddle east for support of turkey in case of german attack hungary(hungarians) ). So, creation of polish brigade start behind agreementof government of france in syria 30 december 1939. History of famousunit of CARPATHIAN ARCHER has been started so.

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