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Log Furniture.
(Davinderpal Singh)

Log furniture...a good idea nowadays.
Introduction:This is the era of tensions. Tensions can be from Boss, who doesn?t let you sit and relax for some time. Tension can be from wife, who always goes on demanding. Tension can be from noisy children?s. Or the tension can also be from the pet that does shit here and there. Everyone has one or the other tension in life. Some may get solved easily. While others can never get solved. But one place in the world, where all such tensions finds no room. And that place is our home. "The sweetest place in the world is home." We should use the raw material for our home, which promises to move with us on our whole life journey and may even after. Popular brand name of wood should be used in making our furniture. Because such big companies makes the wood available with the following necessary features.Fire proofWater proof.Guarantee of long life service.Now coming to the items of our home to make out of log furniture. Bed:The First and foremost thing to look at in the home furniture is our bedroom furniture. The Bed should be made in the form that it?s easy to sit. There should be a soft place on the edge of one side so that a person may relax. People usually watch television for long in their bedroom. So the one side of the bed should be in the position to support the sitting person?s back. It should be filled with high quality cushions. At the time of sleep the same bed should act as a mother?s arm. The mattresses should be soft and not bended. And the length of the bed should be 3" more than the height of the person lying on it. In most cases it should be 6 Foot long. And the breadth of the bed should be enough so that a person may easily change sides as and when he desires without falling on the ground. It is preferred that the breadth of the bed should be 5 Foot broad per person. In case of a double bed it should be 6 Foot * 10 Foot. It should be noticed here that the size of the bed should not hinder the movement of a person inside the room. It should be placed well in the between the room. At least 3-Foot space should be on all sides on the room for moving. 2) Mirror with a sitting table.A mirror is quite a necessary thing in the bedroom. It is the most essential part of the bedroom furniture. A clear mirror with a beautiful carved wooden work is preferred in the bedroom. It should be placed with lights all around it. The arrangement of lights should be in such a format that it should not effect the eyes of the person looking in the mirror. Instead it should increase the brightness of the view in the mirror. Thus a person looking into the mirror should find easy to find a small pimple on his/her face. A Sitting table near the mirror is always advised. Especially in the case of woman who takes a lot of time. Here we can identify those women who are very careful about their looks and give their mirror more than half an hour. Standing before mirror for more than half an hour may become a tiring job. So, it would be better for them to sit on the sitting table, which is equal to the height of the mirror. Thereby making there work easier and comfortable.Sofa setA little sofa set will be suggested in case you can spend enough money for your room. A sofa set is required to sit and relax with your partner. Some people may find difficult to sit on bed and talk to there spouse. A sofa set will help them sit easily and without slipping downwards to lying, as on bed. Thus a sofa set may prove as a beautiful place for you and your spouse to exchange your talks of the day. In case you find it difficult to spend on a sofa. A sofa set will also become a greeting place for your guests. A beautiful carved sofa set will attract more admiration from your guests and will put a good impression on your neighbors and friends.4) Chair and tables for the separate room:If you want to make a seperate room, for talking to your spouse or even your business colleagues. Then in that case it will be preferred to have few chairs and a table in that room. Thus making your separate room an easy place to talk secrets with your spouse, friends, relative?s etc. A table will be suggested in this case so that you may even enjoy coffee or beverages and keep them on it. The size of the table should be enough to cover those few chairs.Conclusion:
In conclusion, making log furniture is not a bad idea. The need is just to use good quality furniture, which is fire proof, waterproof and promises to spend a bigger lifetime with us. Our Rooms should be such a place with only essentials and comforts and nothing more than that.

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