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The God Delusion
(Richard Dawkins)

Richard Dawkins, who was recently voted one of the world?s three top intellectuals by Prospect magazine, and who is the author of successful books such as The Selfish Gene, The Extended Phenotype, The Blind Watchmaker etc, has compiled a brilliant book, which takes on God and Religion, from a scientific point of view. Dawkins book is one of the strongest attacks against the bastions of Religion and against the existence of God himself.Starting with the chapter on how religion and God have always got total immunity from questioning minds, and total respect and obedience from the followers, Dawkins bemoans the fact that it is only religion (and nothing else) and its tenets that have undisputed power over any form of enquiry or research. One is told from childhood not the question God or faith; just accept it as it is. Delving into the various forms of belief, Dawkins takes us through terms such as a theist (one who believes that everything was created by a God, who is omniscient and omnipotent and who answers prayers and punishes sinners,) to a deist (one who believes that God created the world, but has nothing to do with its day to day matters), to a pantheist (one who uses the God interchangeably with a higher intelligence or nature) to an atheist, who is a non-believer.Dawkins arguments against the existence of God are based almost entirely on Charles Darwin?s ?The Origin of Species?, and the laws of evolution and natural selection. All forms of life on this earth have evolved, based on their ability to survive, over millions of years, without divine help. Dawkins argues that if there was a God, who was responsible for creating this extremely complex system, he himself would have to a million times more complicated, and his own origins then would warrant a detailed explanation. Evolution is unidirectional, always proceeding from simple forms to more complex systems, and it is unimaginable that a highly complex entity like God could be at the beginning of evolution.Holding religion and its scriptures responsible for the extensive bloodshed on this earth for centuries, Dawkins states that faith gives people a purpose and a license to do things that they would otherwise themselves cringe from doing. From Christianity to Judaism, and from Islam to Hinduism, Dawkins shatters many beliefs, providing rational and logical arguments for the evolution of religion and cultural practices. Just as genes are passed on from one generation to another based on their survival capacity, so are cultural and religious beliefs, for which he employs the term memes. According the Dawkins, religion, most likely, is fallout or a byproduct of many other things, including fear of the unknown, and as a tool for keeping young ones in check. Religion need not necessarily contribute to our moral values, and to illustrate this point, he quotes freely from religious scriptures, where heinous atrocities were perpetrated in the name of faith and God. Dawkins agrees that with every passing decade or century, there is a general spirit of good thought and will that is responsible for many changes that we see today. Many world leaders with vision and forethought could put an end to many practices, which were in vogue at that time. In the Indian context, one can easily see how practices like Sati or human sacrifices which were part of our culture not so long ago, have mercifully disappeared.Religion cannot claim immunity to investigation and inquiry, and it cannot use the familiar argument that science is not equipped to question religion, according to the author. Many aspects of religion, like magical cures for incurable diseases, or visions of God, or the origin of man itself (creation concept), are all very much matters of scientific interest, and must stand the acid test of scientific explorations and research.Finally, Dawkins urges us not to label children as belonging to any particular religion or community, for children are too innocent or immature toreally have any specific ideas. It is better that they grow up, and have a choice to decide for themselves whether they want to follow any religion at all, and if so which one. He also urges us to acknowledge the advantages that science has bestowed upon us, in understanding and marveling various facets of nature and this wonderful world. Be open, be aware, raise your levels of consciousness, think for yourself without being a blind follower of anything, seems to be his prayer to us.An excellent book for those with an open enquiring scientific mind, and for those who have questions about God and religion, which no one is ready to answer.

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