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Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution
(Atkins, Robert C. MD)

Dr.Robert Atkins re-wrote dieting history when he came out with a revolutionary book, which gave people what they wanted when they were on a diet, namely, the permission to eat as much as they wanted. This book sold more than a million copies, thanks to its vociferous propagation of a diet, which did not let the dieters experience hunger pangs, even for a single day. Atkins himself unfortunately passed away recently, following a head injury. The main principle involved in the diet formulated by Dr. Atkins involves cutting down on the amount of carbohydrates consumed, and to substitute these with foods rich in fats and proteins. As a result of doing this, the human body, which normally uses carbohydrate, as its main source of fuel, has to shift its metabolism from a starch based one to a fat and protein based one. This results in a condition called ketosis, where fats are being burned for energy. Since there is no restriction on the amount of fats and protein one can eat, in the form of cheese, fish, pork, lamb, eggs, beef and oil, the dieters stomach is ever full. Also, the ensuing ketosis gives rise to nausea, and itself acts as an appetite dampener.This diet starts off by reducing the amounts of carbohydrate eaten to a very low level (less than 20 grammes per day), a level called the Critical level of weight loss. As a result of this, the body starts burning fat, a lot of water is released, and weight loss is instant. The person is supposed to continue with this low level of carbohydrates, usually obtained from vegetables, and to increase this level only after the desired weight is reached. This diet, due to its action on the insulin glucose system, automatically helps in lowering both blood pressure and blood sugar.The drawbacks of this diet are that one has to give up eating fruits, many vegetables, cereals and sweets. One more distinct disadvantage is the ketotic smell that the person gives off, and constipation. Though this diet has come under a lot of flak from the scientific community, it has never been proved that Atkins diet is dangerous to the human being, though there are claims of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood of followers.

All in all, a very informative book, and a diet worth trying for its ease and simplicity, though it is impossible to undertake if one is a vegetarian.

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- Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

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