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We Stii Have Wounds And Scars That Will Never Get Healed
(Yoliswa Matomela)

Title: We still have wounds and scars that will never get healed I was born and bred in the Eastern Cape from the township called Kwanobuhle, in Uitenhage. Kwanobuhle literally means (a beautiful place). We call the location eTinarha. That word is literally taken from the word Uitenhage. I attended my schooling until I completed my high school education level.eTinarha, I mean Uitenhage this township is well known by many people who never lived, visited nor seen it before because of politics which took place around the early and late eighties even before that .Back then we used to run from bullets as the guerillas were fighting with the police officials, vice versa.Politics which took place around this city had a predominant influence in my life, more than the better schools I attended, good teaching and upbringing I have received as well as rich and motivating speeches which came from the Christianity religion and background.Politics affected lots of families and students who were directly involved with it then at the time. We used to talk about politics every day, lived, thought, dreamt of politics and even oozed blood through out all this process. Many even today still have the wounds and scars that will never get healed.In 1994 the apartheid regime, issues and systems were laid to rest and were buried. From that period until to date it was absolutely the year of peace, revolution, evolution and solution. In South Africa We enjoyed and reap the benefits and rewards of peace, equality for all, justice, freedom of speech and liberation but through out all we had something much more than struggle, poverty, apartheid, politics was already forcing its way through demanding attention to the civilians, in the township and in South Africa at large. I am referring here to the issue, status and stigma of HIV & AIDS.Sometimes my mind would kaleidoscope and bounce back to the old days. When we used to chant songs of (Umzabalazo) the struggle. We are no longer living in apartheid years, that system is over but AIDS virus has taken over as it is dominant now in uitenhage and in South Africa at large.The plight of the disease seems to be navigating, suppressing, frustrating and violating lots of families in Uitenhage. The years of the struggle somehow shaken, moved and touched lots of souls and families and also left me with the knowledge, experience and the influence that nobody will take away from me. Every thing we have all been through so far gives me the conscience and understanding that no matter how much we try, no matter how hard we fight the fact remains that life is nothing but the struggle.In conclusion, whatever advantages and privilege we have or have had. Whatever offers we receive, Whatever favours, good things and offers we get along the way. Whatever better options and chances we choose as well as great ideas we conceive into our minds. The fact remains that life and a way forward is a struggle. As long as we live and breathe as individuals on this planet earth, We shall fight until we die and nothing will ever be enough even though we are enjoying the benefits and fruits of liberty on this land. Stayed Blessed From (Yoliswa Matomela

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