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Harry Potter And The Philosoher's (sorcerer's) Stone
(J. K. Rowling)

Harry Potter is a success all over the world. The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (in the US: Harry Pooter and the Sorcerer's Stone) is the first part in what is expected to become a series of seven books. Harry lives with his stepfamily, and does not know who he really is. On his eleventh birthday Harry is told by the half-giant Hagrid that he is a wizard, and because of this, he will become a student at the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. When Harry joins the world of wizardry he is surprised to find out that he is a famous hero. Eleven years ago the fearsome Lord Voldemort killed numerous wizards, among them Harry's parents. When Voldemort was about to kill Harry, his curse backfired and instead struck Voldemort. Harry escaped the incident with only a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. At Hogwarts Harry meets Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger who become his closest friends. Of course he also gets some enemies, like Draco Malfoy. Harry's life in the new school is exciting, and soon he and his friends suspect that something mysterious is about to take place. The Potions master, Snape, is up to something sinister. Harry and his friends figure out that he (Snape) is trying to steal the Philosopher's stone, which can create an elixir of eternal life as well as gold. They go through a number of hardships to acquire the stone, but at the point when Harry is about to stop Snape fram taking the stone it turns out that it is not he who wants to steal it but Professor Quirell. Professor Quirell wanted the stone so he could use it to bring Voldemort back from the dead, but Harry manages to stop him. Harry and his friends are hailed as heroes at the school and the manage to delay Voldemorts return.

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- Harry Potter And The Philosoper''s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone

- Harry Potter

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