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(Frank Herbert)

Paul Atreides, the fifteen year old, only son of Duke Leto Atreides
of the Planet Caladan has been given all the education and training
befitting a future Duke, including various martial arts. He has also
been secretly trained in the Bene Gesserit manipulative arts by his
mother Jessica who is a Bene Gesserit herself and who has broken the
rules in revealing the secret arts to a male.The Atreides are compelled by the Emperor to leave Caladan to take over
the rulership of Arrakis (Dune) a desert planet where water is more
precious than Gold and only the very wealthy can afford to use it for anything beyond drinking.A coup is staged by Leto's arch enemy, the Baron Harkonnen who, with the help of the emperor's elite commandos, the sardaukar and the treachery of the Atreides' family physician, Dr. Yueh, infiltrate the Atreides' palace, killing Leto and all but a few of the Atreides fighting forces.Paul and his mother Jessica, now pregnant, escape, fleeing into the only safe place for them on Arrakis, the deep desert where only the desert people, the fremen can survive.They are discovered by the fremen who are initially hostile, but the lady Jessica, by taking advantage of superstitions sown hundreds of years earlier by Bene Gesserit missionaries, integrates herself and her son into the leadership of the fremen religious order.Jessica becomes a fremen reverend mother while Paul proves himself to be an exceptionally gifted and skilled warrior and leader with prophetic abilities.Paul learns all the technology and ways of the fremen including how to ride the gigantic sand worms of the desert. He also falls in love with Chani, a fremen girl whose father was, before his murder, the planetary ecologist whose dream was to restore water to Arrakis.Baron Harkonnen, meanwhile, has restored his nephew, the hateful Rabban, the former ruler of Arrakis to the throne, hoping to take advantage once again of the lucrative Spice industry. Spice being the priceless pharmaceutical substance which heightens the intellect and makes prediction possible and is only to be found under the desert sands of Arrakis.In only a few years following the overthrow of the Atreides, Paul is leading the fremen in a war for control of Arrakis against the Harkonnen armies as well as the emperor's sardaukar who suffer unusally heavy losses at the hands of the fremen.The emperor lands on Arrakis with his imperial guard and some of his subjects to investigate the cause of the heavy casualties suffered by his much feared elite troops and is captured by Paul's fremen after a short battle.Now in complete control of all spice production and distribution, and with the emperor his captive, Paul dictates the terms of a truce between himself and the major powers of the universe, the emperor the space guild and the bene gesserit. He forces the emperor into retirement, taking his daughter, princess Irulan as a wife/hostage, thus weakening the imperium and setting the stage for the expansion of a new empire. ***The novel comes with some rather detailed appendices, glossary, map and notes written by some selected experts of the imperium to educate you on the ecology, religion, terminology, geography etc. of Dune and the known universe. The total effect is that of making everything very, very real to the reader. It's all very skillfully put together. Arthur C. Clarke compared the book to The Lord Of The Rings.***

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