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Astrid & Veronika
(Linda Olsson)

Linda Olsson?s first novel, Astrid & Veronika, is mesmerizing and unforgettable. Once you begin to turn the pages you will be swept up in this story of two women, strangers, whose tragic secrets connect them and lead them on a journey toward emotional healing. A writer from New Zealand, Veronika Bergman travels to Stockholm after a debilitating tragedy occurs. She is seeking a place to rest and recover and hopes to find the words to finish her novel, a love story. The rented house stands beside only one other home and she learns during a trip to the village store that her neighbor, Astrid, is known to be unsociable and unpleasant Yet Veronika?s daily walks past Astrid?s house and the everyday sounds of life, car doors closing and music playing, draw Astrid to her window to observe her new neighbor. These sounds of life begin to intrude into Astrid?s solitary existence. When there is suddenly no movement or sound for two days, Astrid finds herself surprisingly concerned and she tentatively pays her neighbor a visit, finding Veronika ill and feverish. The two women speak little to each other but Astrid makes pancakes and tea. Thus begins their friendship. The women begin to take daily walks, share meals and eventually share the shocking secrets that have turned their hearts to stone. As the year passes they discover the power of companionship and the heart?s ability to heal.There are many aspects of the book that the author handled exceptionally well. In this novel Ms. Olsson exhibits her ability to empathize with those who have wounded hearts. When Astrid reveals her dark secret to Veronika, the author does not allow Veronika to be judgmental. Instead, Veronika shares her own pain with Astrid which strengthens their bond and enables them to release the toxic emotions they have hidden for so long. The chapters are short and powerful with no wasted words. Descriptive passages leave the reader with vivid pictures that make Astrid and Veronika fascinating and realChanges in weather, light and the landscape are important in this story as well and Linda Olsson helps the reader to envision the subtlest details. Poetry sprinkled throughout the novel peaks the reader?s interest at each chapter?s beginning. Linda Olsson is a wonderful short story writer and has written several travel books. With this new endeavor, her first novel, she proves that she is a master of words in this genre as well. I look forward to her next novel with great anticipation. Copyright 2007 by Patricia Denehy for Curled Up With a Good Book

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