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The 7 Lively Sins: How To Enjoy Life, Dammit!
(Karen Salmansohn)

Author Karen Salmansohn offers a new millennium perspective on the seven deadly sins. Lust, greed, anger, pride, sloth, envy and gluttony are not nearly as bad as emotional masochism, guilt, fear, repression, panic, worry and apathy. Lust is the expression of a desire to connect with another person. Emotional masochism is self- sabotage. If one accepts the idea that less is more, then one feels guilty whenever one attains success, joy and/or happiness. anger is a feral energy that impels change. fear is the opposite of courage. Properly channeled and released anger can be used to develop a fulfilling life. Pride is self respect. No one respects anyone who does not respect themselves. Repression is failure to act because of a lack of self respect. Frantic movement should not be confused with forward movement. Workaholism is spiritual alcoholism. You are a human being, not a human doing. Envy is a truth barometer, a means of comparing ones accomplishments with ones desires. Envy can drive one to improve ones life. Gluttony is passion for all life has to offer. It is a pro-achievement, no-holds barred attitude that embraces the concept of opulence. The world is brimming full of everything that anyone could possibly want or need. Guilt is a waste of energy. Fear, repression, panic and worry all stem from a lack of hope and a secret belief that one deserves to fail. Apathy is fear of change. Underachievers seek other underachievers. Misery loves company. However, an attitude of gratitude canenrich every aspect of life. Too much of a good thing is wonderful.

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