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Decide & Conquer (make Winning Decisions And Take Control Of Your Life)
(Stephen P. Robbins Ph.D.)

We all are taking decisions every day, throughout our life. We feel that on the basis of the available/obtained data/information, past practice, experience, judgment & intuition, we can take good decisions. Good decisions will make our life better, in respect of health, relationships & happiness etc. But many of us do not take good decisions. If some one teaches us the necessary skills, for better & quality decisions(small & big) process, I am sure all of us would like to learn. In thirty seven Chapters contained in five parts, this book covers various aspects of this subject, & is based on many research studies. It tells us, as to how people take good or bad decisions, & that taking best possible decisions can be easily learned. It tells us, as to how to structure & analyze the problems, & then focus on the right process (for taking the decision), which increases the probability of a desirable result. This skill can be improved with our own self-evaluation. For decision making, we have to know the factual data, understand ourselves better, & be wary of factors like overconfidence etc. While explaining the concept of rational decision making, it gives seven personality tests, & the meaning of the scores obtained therein. It also gives, twelve biases & errors generally made by us in decision making (e.g. being over confident, relying on the available information & not on the most important one, limiting our alternatives & ending too early in decision taking) along with decision tips for overcoming them, & a number of suggestions.
In one of the parts, the contents of the whole book have been summarized, & the same is being condensed to a few sentences here. We must have full belief that by using the guidelines & the right process, we can improve our decision making capability. Clarity of our long & short term goals, & plan for obtaining them are most important for rational thinking, for getting the important & relevant information, choosing alternatives, eliminating unnecessary options, & reducing chances of wrong decisions. We must use the six steps given, for using the rational process, for making consistent alternatives within the constraints. When we are faced with a complex & difficult situation, we may think of not taking, or post postponing a decision. Although taking no decision is also a decision, at this stage we should ask ourselves a question, "Why shouldn't I change?", & thus propel ourselves towards a decision making position. Every one of us is unique, & hence we should be aware of our personality traits & leanings, esp. about taking risks. The part two of the book gives, tests for the seven factors for personality, & we must use feedback from these tests, & make adjustments for our decisions. We must try to find out that information, which contradicts what we have believed, & see whether our approach is correct. We must also examine the situation from outside, as to how different it looks from there, so as to avoid our biases, besides getting advice of others, esp. from neutral persons. We should not read too much into random chance events, which are in no body's control. For alternatives to be available, we should increase the number of our options through creativity. Every one makes mistakes, & so we should not avoid taking decisions just for the fear of making mistakes. We have to take calculated risks. We can control our future by improving the average of good decisions taken. It is up to us to learn & apply the techniques. The information & techniques given in this book can be used by us to our advantage. It is a simple & well written practical guide book, useful for every person for learning the tools for making better decisions. It leaves positive impression on the readers. A must read book for every body.

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