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Youngsters' Guide For Personality Development
(S P Sharma)

This book seeks to motivate young men and women, particularly students to make conscious and continuous effort to build their character and develop their personality. With deep insight, the author has provided valuable guidelines and practical steps on matters of special interest to students. This book will provide the youngsters, the common-sense guidelines on achieving their full physical, mental and emotional potential. Further, the author has given them the benefit of experience, his own as well as those of eminent personalities whom we could undoubtedly emulate in our life.

Considering the significant role of teachers and parents and their responsibility in moulding young minds, this book stresses well on that part too.

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- The Role Of An Ideal Teacher

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- My Experiments In Education

- Wise Or Otherwise

- Emotional Intelligence At Work

Passei.com.br | Biografias


