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Around The World In 80 Days

Phileas Fogg was a rich Englishman, handsome, quiet spoken and with good manners. He lived with his manservant Forster.One day, he hired a new and very resourceful manservant, Passepartout. Passepartout found his new home very comfortable and well appointed. Phileas Fogg made a bet with his friends, namely that he will go around the world in 80 days and should he not succeed his task by Saturday 21st December at 8.45pm, then his friends were allowed to help themselves to 20,000 pounds sterling from his bank account. Mr Fogg decided to travel with his new manservant, who was quite surprised by the fact that his master wanted to travel with very few items of clothing. At 8 o'clock that evening, Phileas Fogg and his manservant boardedthe train for Dover.Everybody back in London awaited news from Phileas Fogg, when the police received a telegram indicating that Phileas Fogg was actually a bank robber. Everyone tended to believe this since 55,000 pounds sterling were indeed missing from the Bank of England.At the same time, Mr Fogg and his manservant were boarding a ship en route for Bombay. During the crossing, Phileas Fogg did nothing else but play.Fix, a policeman, decided to follow the two travellers. Whilst in Bombay, Passepartout made a mistake and Fix then informed the local police that these two were robbers and that they should be arrested.On the way to Calcutta, the train had to stop because the railtrack was not yet finished and our travellers had to find an alternative way to travel. Mr Fogg purchased an elephant and on the way, met a group of Hindus who wanted to burn a widow alive with her recently deceased husband. Phileas Fogg decided to save the young woman and succeeded in doing so. Mr Fogg decided to take Mrs Aouda, the unlucky Indian woman, with them to her uncle in Hong Kong. But, a policeman arrested them all and took them to court.Faced with jail imprisonnement, Mr Fogg paid a fine to get free.On the way to Hong Kong, Phileas Fogg recognised Fix embarked on the same ship.Fix, a very curious man by nature, approached Passepartout and attempted to get information on Phileas Fogg. Passepartout gave Fix information, but Fix could not believe him.Our now three travellers failed to find Mrs Aouda's uncle in Hong Kong.They then decided to embark for Yokohama. Fix asked Passepartout to keep his master from ending his journey.Phileas Fogg did indeed fail to embark on the Carnatic. Passepartout who was not with them at the time tried to join them.Then Fix tried to make things go faster because he knew an arrest would be made in London.Passepartout found his master eventually.Once in San Francisco, they went to sign Mrs Aouda's passport.Fix actually helped Phileas Fogg with a problem at that stage.Whilst on their way to New York, the train was attacked by Amerindians. This attack delayed the train for 20 hours. Phileas Fogg bought a car to drive to Liverpool. On 21st December, the travellersarrived at Liverpool.Now they were in England, Fix arrested Mr Fogg.Back in London, Phileas Fogg realised he must have lost his bet and become poor.Before his arrival, his friends were certain of his defeat and were about to take the money out of his bank account as agreed.However, because he had travelled towards the west, Mr Fogg had gained 24 hours.He had therefore arrived a day before the set date. So it is that Phileas Fogg kept his money and married Mrs Aouda.

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