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How To Change Your Life By Doing Absolutely Nothing: 10 Do-nothing Relaxation Exercises
(Karen Salmansohn)

10 ways to manage stress from the author of How To Be Happy, Dammit! All thoughts have energy. Scattered, negative, out-of-control thoughts lead to scattered, negative, out-of-control energy in the same way that controlled, managed, channeled thoughts lead to controlled, managed, channeled energy. The author suggests 10 ways to change your life by changing the way you think.1. Wake up and smell the coffee - period. Concentrate on the way the coffee smells for 5 minutes first thing in the morning.2. Experience Shower Power. Wash away stress and anxiety in the shower.3. Mellow yellow. Whenever you start to feel harassed, irritated or overwhelmed, take 5 minutes to look around and find something yellow.4. Like attracts like. Whenever you start to feel unhappy or stressed, take 5 minutes and think of words that mean happy and/or calm.5. Hear the beat and beat the blues. Whenever you feel anxious, put on a good CD and listen to the rhythm.6. Listen to the sounds of a sounder mind. Take time on the way to or from work and listen to the background noise around you.7. Smells like relaxation. Stop and smell the roses.8. Thought for food. Concentrate on what you eat. Chew, taste and savor.9. Strong mind, strong body. Focus on each muscle group as you exercise (aerobics, walking, weight-lifting, etc.)10. Wake up your senses before bedtime. 5 minutes before going to bed, close your eyes, listen to the silence, touch the softness and smell the cleanness of the sheets.Do-Nothing exercises = Energy management.

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