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?Macbeth? is not a mere tragedy of Shakespeare, it is a study of over ambition. I call it over ambition because ambition leads to self destruction but when it becomes over ambition it causes destruction of a community or a group of people: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo and other followers of Macbeth. Therefore ?Macbeth? is something more than a tragedy. The storm striking opening of the play hints something unusual. As the play progresses we see how Macbeth from an ordinary man converts himself to an ambitious man. In the course of the drama the ambition becomes more and more rich. Then he can kill the king, his near and dear Banquo and even the innocent child and female. At the last phase of the play he becomes insane as we see that Banquo?s ghost is chasing him. Lady Macbeth is a mirror reflection of Macbeth. It is natural as she is nothing but the female counterpart of Macbeth. Her over ambition leads her too high to think of killing her own child or putting gull in her own breast or crushing her all feminine weaknesses. This is abnormal too. At last she also becomes insane and kills herself. Therefore we can say that in ?Macbeth? over ambition is equal to insanity. At the beginning of the drama the three witches, their omens are the reflection of Macbeth;s high ambition which are lurking within him. The bloodshed on the dagger is nothing but the image of Macbeth?s bloody ambition. From this stage we see that Macbeth is suffering from certain abnormalities. Killing of a falcon by an owl is a reflection of his abnormality. At last when the Birnam wood is moving toward him it is not Macbeth but his ambition that is going to meet its tragic end. Macbeth breathes his last and his ambition ends forever.

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- Macbeth

- Macbeth

- Macbeth

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