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The Positive Power Of Negative Thinking (using Defensive Pessimism To Harness Anxiety... .. Peak)
(ms.Julie K. Norem, Ph. D.)

There are many books, which advise us for positive thinking, stating that it leads to success & happiness in life. As a human being, many times negative thoughts also come to our mind, when we have anxiety, worry, depression etc. But negative thinking having positive power, does not appear to sound well. In modern day life, there is lot of pressure of work, & we are afraid that, worst may happen in any situation. We are anxious about the things not happening in the way, we want them to happen. It is not advisable to just ignore the prevalent anxiety, as it may backfire. Optimism should not be taken as everything good, & pessimism as every thing bad. In nine Chapters of this book, the author discusses various aspects of this topic, along with results of research, experiments, interviews, anecdotes & case studies. Based on these, it is stated that negative thoughts actually force us, to prepare ourselves in readiness for the worst situations, even though these may not actually always occur. If we always have optimism, we do not expect things to go in the wrong way, & so we are not prepared for the worst situation. If & when, we have to face the adverse situation unprepared, the level of worry & stress is very high. There are many persons who have made significant progress in their lives, using the strategy of Defense Pessimism, & this has helped them to understand each other better, in personal & professional life. This book shows, as to how we can turn our anxiety into motivation. We can face the world boldly to improve our performance, though some persons may believe that, it may lead to depression & more problems. Defensive Pessimism (& not pessimism alone) is the process for transforming negative thinking into action. Optimism is also a strategy, & so is defensive pessimism, but one strategy does not work for all persons. So we should change our strategies to, what is suitable for us, & identify the likely obstacles in our path of progress.
In one of the important Chapters of this book, the author states that these strategies are connected to the personalities. For ironic processing (i.e. not thinking about), we have to think of other positive things, so that we can keep strategic optimist, away from the next anxiety causing situations. When the situations are suitable for defensive pessimists & strategic optimists, their performance is just fine. Many persons believe that besides professional success, there are other things in life e.g. happiness, health & wealth etc. Strategic optimists generally have good moods, as compared to the defensive pessimists, & it only really means that the latter are anxious. The defensive pessimists are sensitive to, notice & respond to negative points. The anxiety which is thus generated, is due to the way we are set up. But we can manage & control it, into positive motivation. It leads to feeling good & then bad, as the situation changes. Our anxiety & unhappiness is, due to our having no control on the happenings. If defensive pessimists are unable to hold the control of their feelings, their performance is affected. Persons having positive mood do not go to the details, & are able to quickly generate large number of ideas, whereas those having negative mood go to the details, & are able to generate number of high quality workable ideas. Negative mood alerts us, & keeps us in the position of solving problems, may be even continuously trouble shooting. There are differences in the way, these types of persons prepare for the expected events, & also in the way other persons interpret them. In case of defensive pessimists, their past experiences influence, their reactions to new situations. Those who are generally anxious & sensitive to future events, have to manage this anxiety. We may have to work in different environments, but we all have flexible responses & ability to adapt soon. The author gives an insight into the human nature in a clear manner, so as to understand easily. In a nutshell, it shows as to how we can utilize, our outlook & worries for achieving success. However, defensive pessimism is not the final solution, to all problems of everybody or anybody.

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