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Rasicm:a Dragon Still Spitting Fire

RACISM:A Dragon Still Spitting Fire

We the people of today have owned up a solemn right of being the superiormost but the one claiming that would have to face severe outrage.Are we humane?this question can be raised on numerous occasions but there stands absolutely no one to give a appropiate answer to this.
A recent example of discrimination on the basis of COLOUR of skin gave a severe to shock to our ever rising ideas.
Recent example of shilpa being disriminated against by very crude and harsh words of jade guddy,gave airt to this ever rising question.
We are the elite creationsof the almighty and he has made this creation of his a sprinke of colours by displaying his wonderful varying species every individual has his different individuality and no one gives this right to question his being so .
AGIRL FROM ASIA INVITED TO A BIG STAGE IS SO THOUROUGHLY GIVEN CRUDE REMARKS THAT TEARS CANT CONTROL THEIR flow.bUT CAN THOSE TEARS RUB OFF THE DISGRACE OFFERED BY THE HOSTS.but we can still hope of a new dawn of a good vision and belongingness towards each other.And it will only be possible with the joint efforts of you and me,and everyone else.India the land of many races also surfaces the acute problem of racism.
Their is a land a remote as andaman and a city as metropol as delhi!but where does an indian lie?it is their in the hearts of millions and this is what called as unity in diversuty.But a few orthodox are in a frame of destroiying the very phraseits high time to realise that tyhis world is that diverse just giving credit to the diverse culture,color,creed.so we the creation of the almighty will have to learn to resoect his creations.yhope this passage of mine evokes the human within every reader and ne/she too decide upon to fight against the miserely problem of RACISM.

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