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Magic For Dummies
(David Pogue)

Magic is an exciting word for any person, whether he is a child or an adult. By witnessing any Magic show, people of any age & level get pleasure & entertainment. Behind every magic item there is a trick (& there is nothing in reality), which is only known to the magician. If the trick is known to us, it no more remains a magic. But everyone is curious to know the secret, behind each of the items of magic performance. Every one enjoys the mystery, & that moment of disbelief, when the magic trick is performed even against the normal laws of science. The magician performs the display with care & caution, & holds the limelight at that moment. In its nineteen Chapters & three appendices, contained in seven parts, the book describes about ninety magic tricks. These are easy to perform & use items of everyday use, e.g. pencils, clothing, money, playing cards, silverware etc. Full details of presentation, including some step-by-step photographs are also given, which are very helpful for us to present some magical tricks ourselves, on any occasion. For this purpose details from this book, & some practice & experience is required, to make a mark in any function of family & friends etc. The details of the tricks in this book, have been contributed by thirty five top professional magicians of USA. It must however be noted that, no magician gives the details of the tricks of his performance, even when asked by the audience.
The author has given details of the organization of this book, icons used, process of learning a trick, photographs & some details of the contributing magicians etc. In first five parts of the book, the author has given details under various headings. In part six under heading, "The part of tens" & in its five Chapters, the author discusses ten basics of good magic, ten classic moments in magic history, ten dead magicians worth knowing, ten things to say when things go wrong and ten ways to get more into magic. In the three appendices of part seven, the author gives the detailed information of some magic stores, books & video sources, societies, magazines, glossary of magic words, details of credits of the magicians who originally started the particular tricks etc. This book teaches us small, & not big &/or too difficult tricks. These small magic tricks can be done with simple & ordinary things, & we can please & impress young children & our friends etc. This book is easy to read & understand, & contains advice & information of good standard, basics of drama required for performing the magic trick & removes the curtain from several of the magic tricks seen by us earlier. For taking magic as a hobby, or for giving performances, this book will be very helpful. Of course one has to develop the skill & practice the presentation method to get the desired level of perfection.

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