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The Little Prince

Exupérywas born in Lyon in 1900 and was an aviator bpth in peace andin war times. This book ,the Little Prince was written in the Spring of 1943, during the war and is one modern fable, a book for all ages, an odyssey in small point, that teaches both adults and children alike . thestory tells the trip of a boy, who leaves his planet in search of knowledge; it is also a trip to the world of childwood, where values and important concepts are learnt and through successiveencounters withalegoric characters (the drunk, the vain person etc) and others which are symbolic, as the rose or the fox ,the little prince learns aspects about men andadults' world.His voyage enables him to learn the value and gestures of friendship with the fox and the value ofhis rose thathad captivatedhim beforehe had learnt the word.the narrator is apilot who had crash-landed in the desert,meets this magical boy whospeaks abouthis huge trip and what he has learnt along the way. The Prince returns to his planet andhis rose, both pilot and readers miss him due to his innocence and poetic soul.

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- Little Prince

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