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Memoirs Of A Geisha
(Arthur Golden)

If you're into twisting plots, deceitful females, forbidden love, and lost love, then this book is a must-read for you.  Even if those are not your passions, this novel has enough excitement to satisfy anyone's interest.  This book is set before, during, and after WWII in Japan.  This story begins with Satsu, the main character's sister who is later seperated from her because she was not considered Geisha 'material', and Chiyo, who is our main character and is growing up in a fisherman village.  Once her poor father finds out that their mother is deathly ill, he must sell his two daughters.  They are taken to Kyoto where they are seperated with Chiyo being a trainee to be a Geisha.  The book states that a Geisha is not a common prostitute, but an 'artisan'.  A Geisha can not love, the only thing she can hope for is a patron to take care of her for the rest of her life.  That is the number One rule: Don't fall in love.  And that is the first thing that Chiyo does.  She falls for 'The Chairman', who did business in her fishing village, but who actually lived and did his major business dealings in Kyoto.  Her name is changed from Chiyo to Sayuri once she becomes a geisha (because of unusual circumstances, a rival geisha had agreed to take her under her wing and teach her.).  Sayuri becomes once of the most celebrated Geisha because of her unusal bright blue eyes.  Twists of events lead her directly back to 'The Chairman', but it is not a happy ending for her yet.  She must romance his best friend and business partner so that her rivals can not steal that client from her.  As her heart is torn in two, as she wins the charman's friend's heart, Sayuri hatches a plan so that the best friend does not become her patron, but that the Chairman instead is her patron.  Will Sayuri get her love to be her patron?  Or will circumstances once again twist themselves around her and she ends up with the friend?  Only reading this book can reveal all.  A definite page-turner, leaving you thirsty for more misfortunes to be righted. 

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