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The Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

The Great Gatsby and His Great Lies Scandals. Lies. Deviance. Secrets. All of these words can be used to describe the twisted, ever-changing, chaotic occurrences in The Great Gatsby. Throughout this entire novel, we see instances when Jay Gatsby is not telling the truth; or at least, not the whole truth. This lack of knowledge builds to the secrecy that is Gatsby?s past, and even his entire life. Behind all of Gatsby?s fancy fronts, elaborated stories, and untruthful life lies a past that needs to be revealed. Who is Jay Gatsby? What was his life really like? What is he hiding? In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby put on façades, ignores the plain facts, and tells us lies that omit the truth, contributing to the mystery and chaos within the novel. Out of all of the characters, Jay Gatsby is the ultimate example for façades. ?But façades can be destructive because they are used to seduce others into an illusion? (Ericsson, ?The Ways We Lie? pg. 339). Gatsby?s entire life could be considered a façade. During the entire story, he puts on a mask and hides behind his current wealth and new money. All of the extravagant parties he throws and everything he tells us about his life is considered a façade. This is all an act he puts on to try to impress everyone around him, mostly to impress Daisy. Gatsby lost Daisy because he was poor, so he tries to make up for it by acting incredibly rich and important. He makes up an entirely new life and past for himself. In the novel, we end up seeing through all of Gatsby?s façades and finding out the truth about his past and who he truly is. Jay Gatsby is also very good at ignoring the plain facts. ?Ignoring the plain facts may not in and of itself be a form of lying, but consider the context of this situation. If a lie is a false action done with the intent to deceive, then the Catholic Church?s conscious covering for Porter created irreparable consequences? (Ericsson, ?The Ways We Lie? pg. 339). Gatsby is a prime example of this because he totally tries to ignore the fact that Daisy is married with a kid. Gatsby is so in love with Daisy and wants to be with her so badly, that he does not seem to care or understand that she cannot just leave her husband and daughter. He wants Daisy to tell her husband, Tom, that she loves Gatsby and not him, and then leave Tom to be with Gatsby. Like Nick said, Gatsby truly cannot repeat the past and make things change. Gatsby convinced himself that he could and tries to make things perfect between him and Daisy. Jay Gatsby is the king of omission. ?Omission involves telling most of the truth minus one or two key facts whose absence change the story completely? (Ericsson, ?The Way We Lie? pg. 340). The whole fact that we do not really know anything about Gatsby?s past is omission. Gatsby focuses on everything he has accomplished and all of the wealth he has at the moment, but does not talk about his past at all. This leads us to believe that Gatsby had come from a wealthy family and that he and his family had always been successful. We find out throughout this entire novel that Gatsby indeed did not come from a wealthy family and that he changed his name along with his entire past in order to achieve his personal goals and successes in life. Not only does he omit his entire past, but he also tries to omit the fact that Daisy is married to Tom, and at some point she really did love him. Gatsby loves Daisy so much that he kind of just pushes Tom and Daisy?s daughter, Pammy, aside, along with their marriage. By omitting this, Gatsby fools himself into thinking him and Daisy could be together again. In reality, he cannot. Jay Gatsby lies throughout the entire novel. He puts on a front to hide his real self in order to impress Daisy and everyone else, he tries to ignore the truth so that know one knows his true past and to make it okay to be with Daisy, and he omits all of the details in his life. Gatsby wants to cover upthe truth about his past to impress Daisy and everyone around him with all of his money, wealth and parties. He completely ignores the fact that Daisy is married with a kid and cannot be with Gatsby. He almost erases his past and does not tell anyone about it, in order to deceive everyone into thinking he has always been wealthy and well off. Every lie that Jay Gatsby lives is only to impress Daisy and make her come back to him. Eventually he learns that things changed and his illusion of the perfect life with Daisy finally slips away from him.

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- The Great Gatsby

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