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The Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

If you are unfortunate enough to have to read the Great Gatsby in English class, you will be told there is a symbol in every paragraph - no every sentence. The book is interesting as one is not sure if the protagonist is the Great Gatsby or the narrator, Nick. The story is about a group of self indulgent people during one summer in the time between the two world wars. The setting is in New York. All the people do with their time is party. Do they party out of desparation? There are clandestine affairs and a green light across the bay. The story ends on a tragic note. This is a novel everyone should read; hopefully not in English class. The have been a few movies based on the book.

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- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

- The Great Gatsby

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