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Who Moved My Cheese?
(spencer johnson)

Who moved my cheese? First glance at it you may find it catchy because of the big font-size, more white-spaces and picturesque. Change- it is generally configured as the most-constant entity, is very well described in this book. How the mice react to Change in location of the cheese is narrated here. The reactions of people generally towards change may not be ambivalent even though the changes are inevitable. This book leaves a message for all of us. We can apply it in any of our relationship, at home or at our work-place or at any rung of life. The book has an effect to make you think for at least few moments

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- Who Moved My Cheese

- Who Moved My Cheese?

- Who Moved My Cheese

- Who Moved My Cheese?

- Who Moved My Cheese?

Passei.com.br | Biografias


