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Who Moved My Cheese
(Spencer Johnson)

"Who Moved My Cheese" is a little fable about four characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw. The moral of the story is that change is inevitable, and we must all be prepared for change and dare to change.

Sniff and Scurry are two mice who live in a maze. Hem and Haw are two little people who live in the same maze. All four of them have found a Cheese station and they are happily eating all the cheese in the station. One day all the cheese runs out and Sniff quickly sniffs out the direction where more cheese might be found and Scurry runs in that direction. After searching in the maze for a while, they find a new cheese station. Hem and Haw, on the other hand, have become comfortable with their cheese station. They moan and groan about the loss of their cheese and stay at the station waiting for the cheese to reappear.

Finally, driven by hunger, Haw leaves the station and sets out into the maze in search of a new cheese station. Hem refuses to leave, being afraid of what lies out there in the big maze. As Haw overcomes his fear and explores the maze, he feels good about overcoming his fear and explores further and further until he finally finds the new cheese station where Sniff and Scurry are. Haw has now learnt the lesson that change is necessary, and one must adapt to change. He now explores the maze regularly in search of new cheese stations before the cheese runs out.

Read the book and ask yourself, are you Sniff, Scurry, Hem or Haw?

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