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Granny Dan
(Danielle Steel)

A woman gets a box from her grandmother's nursing home after she dies, and she learns about her grandmother's past that she's always wondered about, but never asked. The box is filled with memorabilia. Danina, (Granny Dan), grew up in Russia in a ballet school and eventfully became a performer. She got influenza and she and her doctor fell in love. "Granny Dan" tells Danina's journey in life before her grandchildren got to know her as Granny Dan. ...When Granny Dan died, all that remained from hers was a box wrapped in brown paper, tied with string. Inside, an old pair of satin toe shoes, a gold locket, and a stack of letters tied with ribbon. It was her legacy, her secret past, waiting to be discovered by the granddaughter who loved her but never really knew her.
The realization that a woman's grandmother had a history she never realized was important to the entire family. The granddaughter a grown woman, now realizes how her grandmother kept some hidden secrets that could have helped a lot of people had she opened up after her loss of her first and only love.

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