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Oliver Twist, Or The Parish Boy's Progress
(Charles Dickens)

An excellent classic written by Dickens that depicts ambivalence, love and charity. Dickens very successfully manages to retain the very central idea ? that of a pure heart surpassing all evil ? right till the very end. The story revolves around a young orphan named Oliver. The boy walks through the high roads of life at a very early age. The boy, undernourished and ill ?treated is often forced to work under stingy conditions. In spite of his fate having taken him through all the wicked turns he remained the innocent. And in spite of him having walked down those paths which were then and even now are known to be socially evil, dickens preserves the golden heart that Oliver had brought into the world with his first breath. Throughout the novel the author speaks about emotions and how they are brought to life even by fictitious characters. Bill Sikes portrays hatred and dastardly intentions, artful dodger who , for the want of a good life, succumbs to the depraved means, Nancy who shows acute ambivalence, Mr. Brownlow who shows charity and Mrs. Maylie generously bestows kindness on Oliver and of course Oliver himself shows that a good and pure heart filled with compassion even for those who used him, filled with love for all stand out and wins even in the most heinous and indefensible situations. Charles very well demonstrates the evocation of hypocrisy of the high and mighty, of the powerful and wealthy and also the depths and limits to which the human spirit can be pushed to. And how it can all be conquered with only one emotion ? love. Oliver twist is both a truly mesmerizing example of all that?s fouled and evil and a poignant, stirring novel for all times.

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- Oliver Twist

- Oliver Twist

- Oliver Twist, Or The Parish Boy's Progress

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