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The Martha Rules ( 10 Essentials For Achieving Success As You Start, Build, Or Manage A Business)
(Ms. Martha Stewart)

Every entrepreneur wants to visualize, create, build & manage his unit to a brilliant success, but very few entrepreneurs are able to do so. We may learn some creative ideas & finer practical points, from one who has done extremely well, & then implement in our scheme of things for success. Some of the young entrepreneurs have their ideas, dreams, sketches, drawings, calculations, written script drafts etc., & hopes for a bright future. Theyare very passionate about their thoughts & plans, though they may not have experience. They need advice, guidance & a procedure for obtaining success. Even when the ideas are too difficult or too expensive, they may stillwant to make all possible efforts therefor. It may be, more or less an adventure. One who gives
advice, should be fair & should not criticize & reduce their enthusiasm. They may have to plan individual investment, forge partnerships, study some books & magazines, carry out marketing research etc. & improve the proposal by thoughtful discussions. Becoming an entrepreneur may be difficult, but it is interesting & challenging. It requires continuous learning from various sources, keeping watchful eyes & ears open, along with reasonably good health, for long hours of hard work. Ms. Martha Stewart is well known for her brilliance, creative mind, genius & concrete successes. She has been one of the most influential & powerful woman in business, in America. In ten Chapters of this inspiring book, she has discussed ten important rules which have been the secrets of her successes.
First of all we should identify some businesses, which are interesting to us, which we love & we can do with pleasure & enjoyment & not as burden, in spite of difficulties in our path. For this we have to analyze our own
Strengths & Weaknesses. We may have to search for the type of work which we love, & then get a mentor who can share his experience & give us proper advice for suitable preparation. We should focus on what the customers basically want, & then modify & expand our plans. Sometimes such ideas come from customers, from frustration & even unexpected quarters. We should have individual & group brainstorming, generate a lot of ideas, & get the best by screening them. We must aim to produce what the customer wants for his use. The author provides seven points for assessing the suitability of the business idea. In this way we should arrive at a business, which is a mixture of our idea & the customer need & then we should be flexible enough to modify it, as the business progresses. We should prepare a business plan ourselves, & show it to our friends, known professionals. For investment of money in our business, we should examine the sources & their terms & conditions. We must correctly estimate the costs of start ups, consider various possible risks, prepare & manage as per the budget & take a broad view of the organization. We should make connection & share with our customers, so that we learn from their feedback & experience. The best advice appears to come from the customers. We should ourselves also see the picture from the customers side. Our aim should be for repeated business with the customers. We should have eye catching & reasonably costly, promotion schemes of our business, consistently conveying our special & unique points. We have to position our product keeping our target segment & timing in view, along with right packaging, & appealing to the needs of the customers. Circulation of well told personal stories, organizing of special events & making of ourselves as experts by say writing of articles & books etc. are helpful.
The very first point in business is, & should always remain quality of product, service, decision, communication, human relations, complaint handling & everything else. We should have a high standard ofexcellence. We must build our reputation based on quality. Our products should face internal criticism continuously. We must hire talented, energetic & best people, & position them in right jobs. Our advisers & partners should be those who can assist us in our enterprise. People should be changed in jobs & put on challenging assignments. In business when we are faced with a challenge, we must never panic. We should take time to carefully assess, concentrate on positive aspects, have optimism, keep the controls & go ahead. Problems will always be there, since they are a part of the life. We can emerge unscathed even in most difficult times. Sometimes even behind a trouble, there is a silver lining. In business, calculated risks should be taken for ultimate gain, but no careless chances should ever be taken. Opportunities come in life & they have to be evaluated & acted upon with care. We must analyze the risks involved carefully & not hurry up in deciding without proper study, since the present opportunity will not be the last one in our life. An entrepreneur feels pleasure & satisfaction in meeting customers requirements with better, useful & beautiful products. But learning is a lifelong affair. We have to carefully listen (& not just hear) to others & continuously aim for innovation in the enterprise. For various types of businesses, if the above rules are followed, realization of success will not be far away.

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