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1421: The Year That China Discovered The World
(tradutora: Elizabeth Nutz)

The naval commander British Gavin Menzies, was born in China, when that country was under domain of the United kingdom, he presents in a book - that preliminarily it seems like fiction - the historical reconstitution of the day of the fleet commanded for Zheng He. The launched ships of rush to the sea in 1421 and a fantastic day - that it was remained per two years - had circumnavigated the globe before Fernão de Magalhães and had more than arrived in port to America half century before Columbus. The probabilities of this intinerary of navigation opened for the rushes of Zheng He. Afterthat have they lost themselves in the return of the expedition, therefore it would have promoted to the power a dynasty with isolacionistas trends, that China for the Ocidente closed. Gavin would have searched about 15 years and even so the thesis has its controversies can be imagined that it's not absurd.

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