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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

This well written novel of Jane Austen harks back tot he supple and subtle 18th and 19th century when life was a bed of rose and love affairs a sweet essence blossoming it. But unlike the conventional notion of the period Jane Austen satirises the conventional romantic notion of the period. It was a direct challenge to the much romanticised notion of "love at first sight".That was quite an achievement for a lady of her time embossed in the ballooned notion of love as an easy escapade from the material world.

This however does not lead us to believe that the novel lacks elements of conventional romantic elements.This is reflected in the success of the love of Jane and Bingley. This element of conventional element is contrasted by the paradoxical element of inversion of that concept.The mutual dislike of Darcy and Elizabeth is a point to that fact.

The novel begins with the clever yet satirical remark that "It is a truthuniversally acknowledged, that a single man in possesion of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife."Inthis clever assertion Austen hasrevealed twothings.First of all she has pointed out that the main theme of the novel will be courtship and marriage,one of the most popular theme in inverse.Secondly,she has ,through her words and cleft handling of the theme,reflected the true character of the novel and its time frame. The beautiful placing ofwit with humour with reason and passion is a hallmark of the Romanic age, from which it harks.

This novel can produce vibrant and vivacious images. It has one of those peculiar qualitiesthat we normally associate with Romantic writings.A true representative of her age,Austendoes justice to every character. Bringing together of passion and reason in characters like that of Darcy and Elizabeth;sweetness and charm combined into Bingley and Jane;coquetishness personified in Catherine;dry realism of Charlotte and the floppishness of Mr.Collins.such variedshades of charcters are brought together by Austen in a single plot and placed marvellously.They seem to merge together creating a VIBGYOR and break up intotheir original form when passed through the prism of Austen's plot.

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