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The Ciencia Gaia

The Gaia Science, or the Glad Wisdom, which relates, for the heading and the workmanship, the trovadoresca poetry, gai to savoir Provençal, synthesis of the poetical and musical art, the ideal of the love and cavalry, of the liberal spirit. Workmanship in which depth and malice suggest ?incipit parodia? with that the proper Nietzsche defines it, and where madness and feeling walk the pair, for the search of the happiness through the suffering of the life. Also maestria workmanship, where the Wisdom of the Author if states for a victory feeling spiritual against the tyranny of the evil.The love to the life, exactly through the suffering, is in the Gaia Science, the prohibition of the negation and the coincidence of itself exactly with the destination. Translation of Alfredo Margarido. 304 pages, 12 cm x 18,7 cm ISBN: 972-665-143-3 Colecção: Philosophy & 11,85 Assays Euros Other headings of Nietzsche Pedido of catalogue and sending of new features for email _uacct = ?UA-458541-2?; to urchinTracker ();

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